Thursday 7 July 2011

Happy and not so happy customers

Always nice to know how your gifts go down with your gift-ees (?).....

Here's Tanya and her housemate looking super chuffed with their Miss Jane tea cosy.

And Isaac Briers, less than pleased with his Miss Jane Bear suit.

Does he know how long it took me to make it??

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Crafty catch up

Haven't updated the craft news for a while now, but don't worry, the needles haven't been idle.

It's amazing what you can make out of an orange Owl for one thing.

And a super soft lining for a net book case for another.

A lot of personal firsts in this little lot. First quilting experience; first zip; first sewing in a curve with the sewing machine - more difficult than you'd think!

What a successful sunday....